The Agnos compiler. This is the tool that takes an IDL file (in XML format) and generates the language bindings for the target-language.
$ agnosc -t TARGET [-o OUTDIR] IDLFILE...
The desired target-language. TARGET may be one of:
Specifies the output directory where the generated code will be placed. By default, the parent directory of the IDL file is used,.
The IDL file to process. At least one file is required. If multiple files are provided, each will be processed independently (with the same TARGET` and OUTDIR settings).
The Pythonic srcgen tool. It takes a source directory (SRCDIR), which contains a python package, scans all the python files within it (recursively) for special comments, and creates the following files:
For more info, refer to srcgen.
$ agnosrc-py [-o OUTDIR] [-p PKGNAME] [--idlfile=IDLFILENAME]
[--serverfile SVRFILENAME] [--historyfile=HISTFILE] SRCDIR
Specifies the output directory, where the generated code will be placed. By default, SRCDIR itself is used, so it is advisable to set the -o option to some other directory.
Specifies the package name. By default, the name is assumed to be the basename of SRCDIR. For instance, if SRCDIR is /foo/bar/lala, the package name is assumed to be lala.
The package name is necessary for the auto-generated server, where it’s used in import statements. If your package is to be imported by a different name, you should set this option accordingly.
Specifies the name of the generated IDL file. By default, the name is of the service is used. For example, if the service name (as defined by @service) is foobar, the generated IDL file will be named foobar.xml, and placed in OUTDIR.
Specifies the name of the auto-generated server. By default, the name is of the service is used, suffixed by For example, if the service name (as defined by @service) is foobar, the generated server file will be named, and placed in OUTDIR.
The name of the history file to use. By default, IDLFILENAME is used, suffixed by _history.
The history file is used for multi-versioning, as a place to store the IDs that were assigned to IDL elements, so that later invocations of srcgen would use the same IDs for the same elements. This is crucial for
The history file is a simple text file where each line takes the form of <ID NUMBER> <NAME>. It’s basically a a dictionary that maps fully-qualified entity names to their previously assigned IDs.
The source directory to use. This is the root directory of the python package that you wish srcgen to process, i.e., the directory that holds the outer-most file.
This directory will be recursively scanned for *.py files, all of which will be processed by srcgen.
$ agnosrc-py /path/to/my/package -o /tmp/my/package -p ub3rpkg