The agnos_compiler is a python package, so obviously you will need to have python installed. If you’re running on Windows, you can next-next-next your way with executable installer; otherwise, install it like any other python package: either use easy_install agnos_compiler or do it manually, by extracting compressed package and running
$ python install # you might need to sudo that command
For more info, refer to Installing Python Modules
libagnos is provided as a set of independent libraries, for each target language. If you wish to write a client in language X and a server in language Y, you’ll need to install libagnos for both X and Y.
The C++ implementation of the protocol is provided as in a source-only distribution (not precompiled), becuase C++ has no standard ABI.
You can either compile the code into a library (which depends on your compiler), or add it to your project directly. Don’t forget to set the include path so that #include <agnos.hpp> works.
In order to produce an executable, you will need to link with boost_thread, boost_date_time, boost_iostreams and boost_system
The recommended way is to download the latest Agnos.dll, and either install it into the GAC or explicitly reference it in your project. Alternatively, you can download the source and build it on your own.
The recommended way is to download the latest agnos.jar, and either put it in your JAVAPATH, or explicitly reference it in your project. Alternatively, you can download the source and build it on your own.
libagnos-python is a normal python package, which is accessed as import agnos. You can easy_install libagnos; install it like any other python package (by extracting the package and running python install), and if you’re running on Windows, you can next-next-next your way through the GUI installer.
For more info, refer to Installing Python Modules