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The Source Generator, most commonly known as srcgen (pronounced “source gen”), is a :ref`command-line utility <tool-agnosrc-py>`, distinct from the Agnos compiler, that processes special comments placed inside source code, and automatically generates the necessary Agnos IDL. Currently the utility only supports processing python packages, but future versions will include srcgen for C# and java (see planned features).


The approach of maintaining an IDL file separately from the code base works well for smaller projects or services, as it allows for decoupling between the service and its implementation. However, in larger projects, where it’s very likely that the service and its implementation are tightly coupled anyway, this approach is has numerous disadvantages:

  • XML was not designed for humans. It may be easy to parse and process programmatically, but it’s unreadable, repetitive, and cumbersome.
  • Two places to edit: when making changes to the code, you have to remember to update the IDL accordingly. It’s likely the two will go out of sync.
  • The IDL becomes large and hard to maintain. It’s likely a team of developers would run into edit collisions, and it’s hard to make your way around and find what you were looking for.
  • You have to manually write the binding between your code base and the Agnos-generated code, implement all interfaces, etc.

This is exactly the gap that srcgen comes to fill. Instead of writing an IDL and then implementing it in code – srcgen goes the other way around. You start with an existing code base (or package) and add annotations, in the form of special in-code comments, that provide the information required for the Agnos compiler. Conceptually, the IDL and the implementation become one. This means you no longer have to write XML, there’s only a single place to edit, and the “IDL” is logically divided into files, which makes collisions rare and finding what you need easy.

On top of all that, srcgen also automatically generates a server that exposes your service. It essentially does the all the wiring for you. Isn’t that sweet?


As stated before, srcgen only supports python packages. Support for other languages is planned.


srcgen processes special comments that are placed inside the code base. These comments start with the language’s single-line comment marker (# in python), followed by two colons (::)), and then tokens. If the first token begins with @, the line is interpreted as a tag, otherwise it’s interpreted as documentation (free-form). The srcgen utility scans a directory (recursively) and collects all the special comments from all the source code files (for python, *.py).

The syntax of tags is the following:

#:: @TAG {NAME|name=NAME} [ARG1=VAL1] [ARG2=VAL2] ...

Because the name attribute appears in all tags, a syntactic-sugar has been added for it: if the first token following the tag does not contain an equals sign (=), it’s used as the tag’s name. Of course you may explicitly specify the tag’s name, in which case you’re not limited to place it as the first token. For instance, @func bar type=eggs is identical to @func type=eggs name=bar.

The order in which the attributes appear is not meaningful. You may change it freely.

There are three kinds of attributes:

  • Mandatory – attributes that must be explicitly assigned; srcgen will fail with an error message if they are omitted.
  • Inferred – required attributes that may be omitted, in which case srcgen will attempt to infer their value from the source code. For example, the name argument of @func may be either assigned of omitted (and then the name of the function in the code (def foo(...):) will be used. See more at tags
  • Optional – attributes that may be omitted; usually those have a default value.

Structuring by Indentation

Tags can be nested within one another. For example, a @class tag could contain nested @method tags, and each one of them may contain nested @arg tags. This is achieved by the use of indentation, must like in normal python code: if tag A is placed deeper than tag B (within the same file), A will be a child of B. For instance:

#:: @class Turle
class Turle(object):
    #:: @method walk type=void
    #::     @arg distance type=int
    #::     @arg angle type=int
    def walk(self, distance, angle):

This eases the cumbersomeness of XML documents, reducing visual noise and clutter.

Both the whitespace before and after the comment marker matters – so this code snippet is identical to the previous one:

#:: @class Turle
class Turle(object):
    #:: @method walk type=void
        #:: @arg distance type=int
#::         @arg angle type=int
    def walk(self, distance, angle):

Of course it’s more sensible to place the marker at the same indentation level as the code it describes, to increase readability.


As a word of advise, use spaces to indent the elements, rather than tabs, and avoid completely mixing the two, or it would be a nightmare to debug. This also adheres to the python convention.

Documentation and Docstrings

As said before, special comments may be either tags (if the begin with the @ symbol) or free-form comments (if they do not start with @). This means you can attach documentation to the to tag. For example:

#:: @func answer type=int
#::    this function returns a very special number, one which can be
#::    used as the answer to life, the universe and everything.
#::    @arg a type=int
#::        your guess of what the answer is
def answer(a):
    return a + 42 - a


Indentation matters! Comments that belong to a tag must be more deeply-indented than the tag. Also, comments and child-tags must be indented to the same level: if the @arg tags is 4 spaces deeper than the @func tag, so should all comment lines be 4 spaces

If no documentation is provided as a nested special-comment, srcgen will attempt to look for docstrings following the tag, and use them. For instance, the following code should produce the same results as the snippet above:

#:: @func answer type=int
#::    @arg a type=int
#::        your guess of what the answer is
def answer(a):
    """this function returns a very special number, one which can be
    used as the answer to life, the universe and everything."""
    return a + 42 - a


Tags are normally placed right above the source code they describe. This is not a general requirement, as srcgen simply collects all the special comments and there’s no way to guarantee any particular order for that. However, following this convention has two benefits: it increases the readability and maintainability of the IDL and source code, since it’s easy to see the whole picture together and update a single place in the code, and it allows for attributes to be inferred.

If you wish to use inferred attributes, you must place the tags directly above the code they describes. It allows srcgen to locate the code block that follows and parse it. For instance, if you write

#:: @func type=int
def foo():
    return 5

srcgen will automatically infer the name attribute to be foo. If you place the special comment right above the code block, you must specify the name explicitly – or srcgen might infer a wrong name (or fail completely).


Whitespace is used as the token delimiter in tags. This means that you cannot use whitespace in either names or values of attributes. Later versions of srcgen may add quoting or escaping support, but this is not currently implemented. Although this may first strike you as a limitation, it’s hardly so. There is virtually no need for names or attributes to contain whitespace, as they are almost exclusively used as programmatic identifiers.

You should always use alpha-numeric identifiers (underscores allowed). For instance, these are all wrong (and will cause parsing errors): * @func name=lady gaga * @func name="lady gaga" * @func lala=lady\ gaga

Do note that the equals sign may be separated from its arguments by whitespace. For instance, @func name=foo and @func name = foo are identical.

As previously states, attribute names or values represent identifiers (such as type names), and there’s little chance you’d get them wrong. There are two cases, however, where it’s of the essence:

  • Comma-separated lists of values (e.g.,``@service Foobar versions=1,2,3,4`` or @class extends=Spam,Bacon). Comma-separated values must not be separated by spaces (e.g., @service Foobar versions=1, 2, 3, 4 is wrong)
  • Constant values (e.g., @const PI type=list[int] value=[3,4,5]). Do not use whitespace between tokens (e.g., @const PI type=list[ int ] value=[3, 4, 5] is wrong). Also, if you need to define string constants that contain spaces, use string escaping (e.g. @const MESSAGE type=str value=hello\x20world). Note that may times a constant’s value may be inferred directly from the source code, in which case these restrictions do not apply.


Enough talk – here’s a code example:

#:: @service MinistryOfInterior

#:: @module

#:: @class
class Person(object):
    #:: @attr full_name type=str access=get
    #:: @attr date_of_birth type=date access=get
    #:: @attr spouse type=Person access=get

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.full_name = name
        self.date_of_birth =
        self.spouse = None

    #:: @method type=void
    #::     Marries `self` with `other`. Note that `self` and `other` must
    #::     not be already married.
    #::     @arg other type=Person
    #::         The person `self` is to marry
    def marry(self, other):
        assert self.spouse is None, "already has a spouse"
        assert spouse.spouse is None, "spouse already has a spouse"
        self.spouse = spouse


The tags essentially reflect the IDL elements, so when in doubt consult the doc:IDL reference<idl>. However, not all tags appear in the IDL, as some expose more “advanced” concepts, which are converted to the building blocks of the IDL. For instance, the @staticmethod tag is actually converted to a func element in the IDL, with the namespace being the class’ name.


Format: @service NAME [package=PACKAGE] [versions=VERSIONS] [clientversion=CLIENTVERSION]

IDL element: service

Nested tags: N/A

The @service tag must appear exactly once throughout the package (source code tree). It specifies the service’ name and some other optional attributes. It would be wise to place this tag in the root of the package, say the topmost file.

Note: VERSIONS is comma-separated list of versions. For instance, versions=1.0,1.1,1.2.


Format: @module NAME [namespace=NAMESPACE]

IDL element: N/A

Nested tags: N/A

May appear once per module. It specifies the module’s full name, i.e., the name that may be used to import that module from outside the package, and optionally, the default namespace under which the functions and constants of this module would be exposed.

If the @module tag does not appear, srcgen uses the relative path of that module from the package’s root. However, although optional, it is advisable that you place this tag in all of the modules you wish to expose.


Format: @annotation NAME value=VALUE

IDL element: Annotations

Nested tags: N/A

Adds an annotation to the element that contains it. All tags can have nested annotations, but they are most commonly used in @func and @method tags.


#:: @func type=int
#::     @annotation user value=johns
def foo():


Format: @const NAME type=TYPE value=VALUE

IDL element: const

Nested tags: N/A

Defines a constant. The NAME and VALUE attributes can be inferred (to some extent). For example:

#:: @const type=float
PI = 3.1415926535


Format: @enum NAME

IDL element: enum

Nested tags: @member

Defines an enum. The NAME attribute can be inferred. You can use this tag in two ways, the first being

#:: @enum FileSystem
#::     @member NTFS
#::     @member FAT16 value=3
#::     @member FAT32 value=8
#::     @member EXT2

Or more commonly

#:: @enum
class FileSystem(object):
    #:: @member
    NTFS = 0
    #:: @member
    FAT16 = 3
    #:: @member
    FAT32 = 8
    #:: @member
    EXT2 = 9


Format: @member NAME [value=VALUE]

IDL element: member

Nested tags: N/A

Defines an enum member. The NAME and VALUE attributes can be inferred. See example above.


Format: @record NAME [extends=EXTENDSLIST]

IDL element: record

Nested tags: @attr

Defines a record. The NAME and EXTENDSLIST attributes can be inferred (see more about inferred inheritance). For example:

#:: @record
class Address(object):
    #:: @attr country type=str
    #:: @attr city type=str
    #:: @attr street type=str
    #:: @attr num type=int

    def __init__(self, country, city, street, num): = country = city
        self.street = street
        self.num = num


Format: @attr NAME type=TYPE

IDL element: attr

Nested tags: N/A

Defines a record attribute. All attributes are mandatory and none can be inferred. See example above.


Format: @exception NAME [extends=NAME]

IDL element: exception

Nested tags: @attr

Defines an exception record. This is essentially the same as a @record, only it derives from the target language’s base exception class. The NAME and EXTENDS attributes can be inferred. Note that unlike records, exceptions may extend only a single type, which must be an exception by itself. For example:

#:: @exception
class CLIError(Exception):
    #:: @attr command type=str
    #:: @attr parameters type=list[str]

    def __init__(self, command, params):
        self.command = command
        self.parameters = params

#:: @exception
class CLIExecutionFailed(CLIError):
    #:: @attr errorCode type=str

    def __init__(self, command, params, errorCode):
        CLIError.__init__(self, command, params)
        self.errorCode = errorCode


Format: @class NAME [extends=EXTENDSLIST]

IDL element: class

Nested tags: @attr, @method, @staticmethod, @ctor

The NAME and and EXTENDSLIST can be inferred (see more about inferred inheritance). For example:

#:: @class
class Person(object):
    #:: @attr first_name type=str access=get
    #:: @attr last_name type=str access=get
    #:: @attr spouse type=Person access=get
    #:: @attr hobbies type=list[str] access=get,set

    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name):
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.last_name = last_name
        self.spouse = None
        self.hobbies = []

    #:: @method type=void
    #::     @arg other type=Person
    def marry(self, other):


Format: @attr NAME type=TYPE [access=GETSET]

IDL element: attr

Nested tags: N/A

Defines a class attribute. GETSET can be get, set, or get,set – the default is get,set (meaning read-write access). None of the attributes can be inferred. See example above.


Format: @method NAME [type=TYPE] [version=VERSION]

IDL element: method

Nested tags: arg

Defines a method, i.e., a function that’s bound to an instance of the class. The NAME attribute can be inferred. TYPE is void by default. VERSION is undefined by default. See more about versioning. See example above.


The self argument of every python method is not considerred an argument of the method, and should not be included as an @arg.


Format: @staticmethod NAME [type=TYPE] [version=VERSION]

IDL element: func

Nested tags: arg

Defines a static method, i.e., a method that is not bound to an instance of the class. Static methods are basically normal functions that live in the class’ namespace – and in fact, that’s how they are converted to the IDL.

TYPE is void by default. VERSION is undefined by default. See more about versioning.


#:: @class
class File(object):

    def __init__(self, filename, mode):
        self._file = open(filename, mode)

    #:: @staticmethod type=File
    #::     @arg filename type=str
    def open_readonly(filename):
        return File(filename, "r")

    #:: @staticmethod type=File
    #::     @arg filename type=str
    def open_readwrite(filename):
        return File(filename, "r+")

    #:: @method type=buffer
    #::     @arg count type=int
    def read(self, count):

Note that the static-method open_readonly, for instance, is converted to the following IDL:

<func name="open_readonly" type="File" namespace="File"> ... </func>

and is later accessible through the File namespace, like so

c = Client.connect("...")


Format: @ctor [version=VERSION]

IDL element: func

Nested tags: arg

Defines the constructor of a class. Only one such constructor may be defined. The constructor is basically a static method that is named ctor, in the namespace of the class, may take any number of arguments, and returns an instance of the class.

VERSION is undefined by default. See more about versioning.


#:: @class
class File(object):

    #:: @ctor
    #::     @arg filename type=str
    #::     @arg mode type=str
    def __init__(self, filename, mode):
        self._file = open(filename, mode)

    #:: @method type=buffer
    #::     @arg count type=int
    def read(self, count):

Note that the constructor need not always be the __init__ method; any static-method (or @classmethod in python) will do:

#:: @class
class File(object):

    def __init__(self, filename, mode):
        self._file = open(filename, mode)

    #:: @ctor
    #::     @arg filename type=str
    #::     @arg mode type=str
    def open(filename, mode):
        return File(filename, mode)

    #:: @method type=buffer
    #::     @arg count type=int
    def read(self, count):


Format: @func NAME [type=TYPE] [version=VERSION]

IDL element: func

Nested tags: arg

Defines a function. The NAME attribute can be inferred. TYPE is void by default. VERSION is undefined by default (see more about versioning). For example:

#:: @func type=int
#::     @arg x type=int
def squared(x):
    return x*x


Format: @arg NAME type=TYPE

IDL element: arg

Nested tags: N/A

Defines a argument of a @function, a @method, a @staticmethod or a @ctor. Both arguments are mandatory and cannot be inferred. See example above.


srcgen is able to parse the inheritance list of classes and records, and extract the EXTENDSLIST automatically: if the inheritance list contains a name that has been exposed with srcgen, it will be incorporated into the EXTENDSLIST. If the name has not been exposed, it will be ignored. Consider the following code:

#:: @class
class A(object):

class B(object):

#:: @class
class C(A, B):

Only A will be in the EXTENDSLIST of class C, since B was not exposed.

The same applies to @record and @exception tags.


With time, there will certainly be changes in your project that are incompatible with older versions. For instance, a function may be removed or its signature may change. This is acceptable as long as all the consumers of your service are kept up-to-date in accordance with the changes – but this is hardly ever possible. When the number of consumers of the service grows larger, it become less and less plausible that they could all be updated to reflect every such change.

Taking this into account, srcgen allows you to define multiple versions of functions, methods, static methods, and constructors. For instance, say version 1 of your service exposed the following function:

#:: @func type=int
#::     @arg x type=int
def squared(x):
    return x**2

and in version 2, you decided to change the type from int to float:

#:: @func type=float
#::     @arg x type=float
def squared(x):
    return x**2

This renders the two versions of your service incompatible. One solution would be to update all your clients, but as said before, this is not always possible. Luckily, srcgen allows you to have multiple versions of the same function, methods, static-method or constructor – that all live side-by-side. For instance, you’d want to have two versions of squared – version 1 and 2. Older clients, that expect to find version 1, would still use version 1, but newer clients, that are aware of version 2, would use version 2. This can be achieved by the version attribute:

#:: @func squared type=int version=1
#::     @arg x type=int
def squared1(x):
    return x**2

#:: @func squared type=float version=2
#::     @arg x type=float
def squared2(x):
    return x**2
The two functions were renamed, so that both could exist in the same module. If, for instance, the two existed in different modules, they could both be named squared.

Another thing you’d have to do is update the versions attribute of the @service tag:

#:: @service MathStuff versions=1,2

This tells your clients that the service supports two co-exsting versions, 1 and 2, and clients can check their compatibility with your server using the assertServiceCompatibility method.

This solves the problem neatly, as older clients (that are not aware of version 2) can keep using version 1 of squared, while newer clients will its second version.

The “history file”

The “history file” is one of the files that’s generated by srcgen in the process. It is a very simple text file that maps IDs to fully-qualified names, and allows srcgen to assign the same IDs to the same functions every time. Without the history file, functions would be assigned arbitrary IDs, which would render older clients incompatible, since they would use different IDs than the server’s.


You should add the history file to your source control repository, as it’s quite valuable. Without it, every time srcgen processes your code, IDs may be assigned differently.

Unless you update all of your clients every time the server is re-generated, the history file is important to you.