
Table Of Contents

Part 1: The Environment


Be sure to have read the Getting Started section before rushing into the tutorial. We assume you already have downloaded and installed Agnos properly, and that you’re familiar with the terminology and basic concepts.

In this section we’ll get acquainted with the Agnos tool chain and write a simple service – the Calculator – where the server is implemented in java and the client in python. As the name suggests, the Calculator service exposes a small number of arithmetic functions. Let’s start with writing the IDL – open up your favorite XML editor (notepad will do) and paste this snippet:

<service name="Calculator">
    <typedef name="real" type="float" />

    <const name="pi" type="real" value="3.1415926535897" />
    <const name="e" type="real" value="2.7182818284590" />

    <func name="add" type="real">
        <doc>add two real (floating point) numbers</doc>
        <arg name="a" type="real" />
        <arg name="b" type="real" />

    <func name="mul" type="real">
        <doc>multiply two real (floating point) numbers</doc>
        <arg name="a" type="real" />
        <arg name="b" type="real" />

    <record name="Complex">
        <doc>a record that represents a complex number</doc>
        <attr name="real" type="float" />
        <attr name="imag" type="float" />

    <func name="cadd" type="Complex">
        <doc>add two complex numbers</doc>
        <arg name="a" type="Complex" />
        <arg name="b" type="Complex" />

    <func name="cmul" type="Complex">
        <doc>multiply two complex numbers</doc>
        <arg name="a" type="Complex" />
        <arg name="b" type="Complex" />

Save under the name calculator.xml and place it somewhere accessible.

This little IDL is self-explanatory: we have a typedef (because we prefer the name real over float), two constants, a record that defines what a complex number is, and four functions – two for adding and multiplying real numbers, and two for adding and multiplying complex numbers.

Creating the JAR

Open a shell and type

$ agnosc -t java -o src calculator.xml
$ find -type f

As you can see, agnosc has generated server bindings, client bindings, and a server stub (which will be discussed later). You can now use your favorite build system (ant, scons, etc.) to build a jar out of these. I’m going to do it the good old way, for the sake of simplicity:

$ mkdir classes
$ javac -cp /PATH/TO/agnos.jar -d classes src/Calculator/server_bindings/ \
$ jar -cf CalculatorBindings.jar -C classes Calculator
$ rm -rf classes


/PATH/TO/agnos.jar is the location where you downloaded agnos.jar. You can either put it in the java class path, so the compiler would know where to find it automatically, or specify it explicitly.

Voila! You now have CalculatorBindings.jar, which is what we wanted. The source files are no longer of use to us, and you may safely delete them:

$ rm -rf src/Calculator

Compiled Bindings

Future versions of Agnos will support automatically compiling the generated bindings for you, so you’ll end up with a jar/dll directly. It would be something in the spirit of

$ agnosc -t java --gen-jar --agnos_jar=/PATH/TO/agnos.jar idlfile.xml

Implementing the Server

Open up you favorite IDE and create a new project, say, MyCalculator. Copy the generated stub (src/ into the project, and of course, remove the .stub extension. You will also need to add references to agnos.jar and CalculatorBindings.jar, and we’re ready to go. The stub should look like this:

// ... several imports
import Calculator.server_bindings.Calculator;

public class ServerStub
    // handler
    public static class Handler implements Calculator.IHandler
        public Double mul(Double a, Double b) throws Exception
            // implement me

        public Double add(Double a, Double b) throws Exception
            // implement me

        public Calculator.Complex cmul(Calculator.Complex a, Calculator.Complex b) throws Exception
            // implement me

        public Calculator.Complex cadd(Calculator.Complex a, Calculator.Complex b) throws Exception
            // implement me

    // main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        CmdlineServer server = new CmdlineServer(new Calculator.ProcessorFactory(new Handler()));
        catch (Exception ex)

Note that the main() method is already filled in – we only need to take care of three things: * Rename the class to MyCalculator * Implement classes (not relevant to our example) * Implement the handler


In order to reduce the number of generated files, agnosc uses a compact but rather nonstandard code layout. Instead of creating a separate source file for each class – classes are simply nested. This should be of little concern to you, the programmer.

In the generated stub, however, you can feel free to move each class to a file of its own. In this tutorial, we’ll stick with the nested layout.

Let’s now implement the handler:

public static class Handler implements Calculator.IHandler
    public Double mul(Double a, Double b) throws Exception
        return a + b;

    public Double add(Double a, Double b) throws Exception
        return a * b;

    public Calculator.Complex cmul(Calculator.Complex a, Calculator.Complex b) throws Exception
        return new Calculator.Complex(a.real * b.real - a.imag * b.imag,
            a.real * b.imag + a.imag * b.real);

    public Calculator.Complex cadd(Calculator.Complex a, Calculator.Complex b) throws Exception
        return new Calculator.Complex(a.real + b.real, a.imag + b.imag);

And we’re ready to go: you can now compile and launch the project. Note that it won’t run without the necessary command-line arguments: the CmdlineServer defaults to ‘simple mode’, where it takes a port number on which it listens. Set the command line to -p 34567 (or any other available port) and run... it’s a server, so don’t expect to see anything printed to the screen.

Writing a Simple Client

We’ll now move to writing a simple client in python. Writing one in java follows a very similar procedure, albeit more verbose. Return to the shell, and now run:

$ agnosc -t python calculator.xml

This would generate in the current directory. Having our server running in the background, we can launch python and type:

# import the bindings
>>> import Calculator_bindings

# create a client by connecting to the server
>>> c = Calculator_bindings.Client.connect("localhost", 34567)

# and we can start using the client's functions right away
>>> c.add(5,7)
>>> c.mul(5,7)

# create two complex numbers
>>> n1 = Calculator_bindings.Complex(17,3)
>>> n2 = Calculator_bindings.Complex(4,-6)

# and we can operate on them, just as well
>>> c.cadd(n1,n2)
Complex(21.0, -3.0)

>>> n3 = c.cmul(n1,n2)
>>> n3
Complex(86.0, -90.0)

It’s as simple as that.