
Table Of Contents

Implementing Targets

If you wish to implement new language-bindings support in Agnos, you first have you get acquainted with the internal workings of the tool-chain. From a bird’s eye view, there are three parts that constitute an Agnos target: the code generator (compiler), the protocol implementation (libagnos), and the source-generator (srcgen)


Don’t forget the RESTful Front-end. It is very useful for small-scale projects, and is much simpler than having to implement a full-blown target language for Agnos. If you need to consume a simple Agnos service, and if your language has an easy-to-use HTTP/REST library – just stick with it.

If you need to implement an Agnos service (server), the RESTful front-end won’t help you though, and you’ll have to implement a target.

Compiler Target

The first thing you’ll want to do, when developing a new target for Agnos, is to implement the compiler target. The itself compiler is written in python, so the natural (and recommended) way to interface with- and extend it is in python. However, if you wish to re-implement all of the compiler’s logic (parsing, etc.) yourself in a different langauge, nobody’s stopping you :)

Under compiler/src/agnos_compiler/targets are all of the currently-supported or planned targets, one for each language. If your target gets too big, you may want to convert it to a subpackage. The “reference implementation” you should follow is the Java one for “static languages” and the python one for “dynamic languages”.

Your target should derive from TargetBase – this is not mandatory, but the base class provides some useful helper functions. The only interface method that you need to implement is generate(), which is passed a service object that contains all the records, enums, constants, classes and functions defined in the IDL. This method should take the service object and generate the appropriate code for the target language.

Language Generation Framework

Agnos is using a sophisticated code generation framework that would (eventually) be released as a separate project. It uses context managers to correctly express the nesting levels of code blocks, in a fashion that’s consistent both with the generator and the generated code. These frameworks basically encapsulate the notions of statements, (nested) blocks, and comments in the target language, so you don’t have to add semicolons or close braces manually every time. Note, however, that this framework is more syntactic than semantic – it doesn’t attempt to cover the various constructs (if, for, class, ...) of the target language, only the basic layout of a module. The use of context managers enables the framework to “remember” the current nesting level automatically, thus simplifying the code.

Here’s an example of the c-like language framework:

mod = Module()
BLOCK = mod.block
STMT = mod.stmt
DOC = mod.doc
SEP = mod.sep

STMT("using System")
STMT("using System.Collections")
with BLOCK("namespace"):
    DOC("this is a very special class")
    with BLOCK("public class Spam"):
        STMT("private int x, y")
        with BLOCK("public Spam()"):
            STMT("x = {0}", 17)
            STMT("y = {0}", 18)
        with BLOCK("public ~Spam()"):

print mod.render()

Which yields

using System;
using System.Collections;

    // this is a very special class
    public class Spam
        private int x, y;

        public Spam()
            x = 17;
            y = 18;

        public ~Spam()

As you can see, blocks are converted to properly-indented and braced entities, while statements are semicolon-terminated. Nothing too fancy – but notice how the structure of the generator is exactly the same as that of the generated code! It makes the generator much easier to read, write and and debug.

Agnos comes without language frameworks for python, C/C++, C-like languages (C#, Java) and XML. You can always add your own (it’s not at all complicated), but it’s usually not necessary, since the syntax of most languages is loosely based on C, which means the C-like would fit your needs.

Target Skeleton

Here’s the general skeleton you should start with, when implementing a new target:

from .base import TargetBase, NOOP
from .. import compiler
from ..compiler import is_complex_type

class VBTarget(TargetBase):
    from ..langs import vblang
    LANGUAGE = vblang

    def generate(self, service):
        with self.new_module("%sBindings.vb" % (,)) as module:
            BLOCK = module.block
            STMT = module.stmt
            SEP = module.sep

            STMT("Import System")
            STMT("Import Agnos")
            with BLOCK("Module {0}",
                self._generate_types(module, service)
                self._generate_server_bindings(module, service)
                self._generate_client_bindings(module, service)

    def _generate_types(self, module, service):
        BLOCK = module.block
        STMT = module.stmt
        SEP = module.sep

        for enum in service.enums():
            self._generate_enum(module, enum)

        for rec in service.records():
            self._generate_record(module, rec)

        for exc in service.records():
            self._generate_exception(module, exc)

        # packers for non-compelx types
        for rec in service.records_and_exceptions(lambda mem: not is_complex_type(mem)):
            self.generate_record_packer(module, rec)

        for cnst in service.consts.values():
            self._generate_const(module, cnst)

        for cls in service.classes():
            self._generate_class(module, cls)

    def _generate_server_bindings(self, module, service):
        BLOCK = module.block
        STMT = module.stmt
        SEP = module.sep

        with BLOCK("Module Server"):
            pass # ...

    def _generate_client_bindings(self, module, service):
        BLOCK = module.block
        STMT = module.stmt
        SEP = module.sep

        with BLOCK("Module Client",
            pass # ...

Adding the Target

And last but not least – you’ll want to add your target language to the agnosc command-line tool. This is done by editing compiler/bin/agnosc, adding the necessary import for your target, and adding the argument name to the TARGET_ALIASES dictionary.


The next step is to implement libagnos for your target language. This library implements the Agnos protocol, and usually consist of defining the necessary protocol constants, packers (serializers), IO abstraction layer (transports) and various other helper functions. You should place your code under the libagnos directory, and provide the appropriate packaging and/or build-system integration. Agnos uses scons, as it’s very powerful and extensible, but you’re free to your a better build system if you find it better. As explained before, you should follow the layout of the Java implementation for static languages and the layout of the python implementation for dynamic ones. Quite a lot of effort has been put into this design, and following it may save you considerable time, as well as shorten the learning-curve of end users, as they only have to learn one API.


Packers are object “serializers”: they have a pack() and unpack() methods, that convert a “living” object into a sequence of bytes and vice versa. From a more mathematical point of view, unpack and pack are inverse functions, such that unpack(pack(obj)) == obj and pack(unpack(buffer)) == buffer.

In Java, we define an abstract class (could also be an interface) called AbstractPacker, which looks like so:

public abstract class AbstractPacker
    abstract public void pack(Object obj, ITransport transport) throws IOException;
    abstract public Object unpack(ITransport transport) throws IOException;
    abstract public int getId();

Then, all the built-in types have their packers, which simply extend AbstractPacker. For example, here’s a sketch of the Int32Packer:

public class Int32Packer extends AbstractPacker
    public void pack(Object obj, ITransport transport) throws IOException
        int val = obj == null ? 0 : ((Number)obj).intValue();
        byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
        buffer[0] = (byte) ((val >> 24) & 0xff);
        buffer[1] = (byte) ((val >> 16) & 0xff);
        buffer[2] = (byte) ((val >> 8) & 0xff);
        buffer[3] = (byte) (val & 0xff);

    public Object unpack(ITransport transport) throws IOException
        byte[] buffer = new byte[4];;
        return new Integer(((int) (buffer[0] & 0xff) << 24) | ((int) (buffer[1] & 0xff) << 16)
                | ((int) (buffer[2] & 0xff) << 8) | (int) (buffer[3] & 0xff));

Because of the limitations of programming languages like Java, we can’t use the class directly, and so we create a singleton for each such packer, which is what we’ll use when we want to actually pack or unpack data.

Packers can make use of one another, which greatly simplifies their implementation. For example, when packing a Date object, you can convert it to a 64-bit that represents the number of microseconds since January 1st, year 1, and then just call Int64.pack(num_of_microseconds).

Packers can also be composed to form more complex packers. For example, the Agnos compiler generates a packer for each record – packing all of its fields, one after the other.

class Address
    public State state;
    public String city;
    public String street;
    public Integer num;

class _AddressPacker extends AbstractPacker
    public void pack(Object obj, ITransport transport) throws IOException
        Address val = (Address)obj;
        StatePacker.pack(val.state, transport);
        Builtin.Str.pack(, transport);
        Builtin.Str.pack(val.street, transport);
        Builtin.Int32.pack(val.num, transport);
    public Object unpack(ITransport transport) throws IOException
        return new Address(

_AddressPacker AddressPacker = new _AddressPacker();
Address myAddress = new Address(States.TX, "Dallas", "Main Rd.", 1234);

Another important thing about packers is that each packer has a unique ID (unique within in the same service definition). The packers for built-in types are have ID in the range of 0-999, and the compiler-generated packers (like the _AddressPacker above) get some random unique ID.

These IDs are required for the HeteroMap type. Since it contains heterogeneous keys and values, it has to associate a key-type and value-type to each key-value pair. This is done by indicating the packer IDs of both key-type and value-type in the wire-format.

But in this case, I belive, code speaks clearer than words. Refer to the Java sources for the complete picture.


Although the Java version is considered the reference implementation, don’t go about converting it one-to-one to your target language. Java’s type system is quite limited and enforced some arbitrary constraints. If you language has a different type system, you may have better alternatives – use the best practice for your language. For instance, dynamic languages would be better off basing their code on the python version.

Transports and TransportFactory

Since every programming language has its own concept of how IO-related APIs should look like (especially network IO), and because they have varying degrees of success in abstracting the operating system’s primitives, Agnos defines its own “cross-platform cross-language” view of transports.

Transports are much like streams in most languages, but they include more featuers, like framing, compression, and transactioning. Agnos attempts that all implementations of transports loosely follow this interface (but naturally, they implementations differ according to language’s IO layer):

interface ITransport {
    void close() throws IOException;

    // stream-like views
    InputStream getInputStream();
    OutputStream getOutputStream();

    // compression
    boolean isCompressionEnabled();
    boolean enableCompression();
    void disableCompression();

    // read interface
    int beginRead() throws IOException;
    int read(byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException;
    void endRead() throws IOException;

    // write interface
    void beginWrite(int seq) throws IOException;
    void write(byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException;
    void restartWrite() throws IOException;
    void endWrite() throws IOException;
    void cancelWrite() throws IOException;

For full details, refer to the source code.

All implementations of libagnos must provide SocketTransport - a transport that connects to a server over a network socket. This is the most fundamental transport. Implementations are encouraged to also provide:

  • SSLSocketTransport - Same as SocketTransport but operates over SSL.
  • ProcessTransport - Connect over a socket to a child process; used to implement Library Mode.
  • HttpClientTransport - Connect to an Agnos server behind an HTTP server; used to implement Agnos Over HTTP.

Other than transports, Agnos also defined transport factories: these are used o the server-side to accept incoming connections and wrap them by a transport object. Transport factories follow the following interface:

interface ITransportFactory {
    void close() throws IOException;
    ITransport accept() throws IOException;

and all implementations must provide SocketTransportFactory – which is the server-side counterpart of SocketTransport.

Server Side

Processor and ProcessorFactory

The Processor is the server-side entity that handles client requests: it dispatches function calls, performs protocol-level commands, etc. The general skeleton of Processors is:

class BaseProcessor {
    protected ITransport transport;

    public BaseProcessor(ITransport transport) {
        // ...
    public void close() throws IOException {

    public void process() throws Exception {
        int seq = transport.beginRead();
        int cmdid = (Byte) (Builtin.Int8.unpack(transport));


        switch (cmdid) {
        case CMD_INVOKE:
        case constants.CMD_DECREF:
        // ...

    // ...

The process() method is the heart of the Processor – it reads the incoming request from the client, parses its fields, and dispatches it, according to the command’s code. The BaseProcessor class defines all the shared code, and is part of libagnos, while the Processor class extends it and defines the per-service code (generated by the Agnos compiler).

The ProcessorFactory is simply a factory object that creates a Processor that’s already bound to a Transport. This interface is really short:

interface IProcessorFactory {
    BaseProcessor create(ITransport transport);

and it’s only used by the Server class, to create new Processor instances.


Agnos servers are just like all other servers: they listen to a socket, accept incoming connections, and serve them. The implementation is free to do this in whatever way it finds best – for example, if your language comes with a standard framework to create servers, you may want to use it directly. Otherwise, you can follow this scheme:

class BaseServer
    protected IProcessorFactory processorFactory;
    protected ITransportFactory transportFactory;

    public BaseServer(IProcessorFactory processorFactory, ITransportFactory transportFactory)
        this.processorFactory = processorFactory;
        this.transportFactory = transportFactory;

    public void serve() throws Exception
        while (true) {
            ITransport transport = transportFactory.accept();
            BaseProcessor processor = processorFactory.create(transport);

    protected abstract void serveClient(BaseProcessor processor) throws Exception;

The implementation then defines several concrete classes, such as SimpleServer (serves a single client at a time), SelectingServer (uses select() to juggle all connected clients), ThreadedServer (uses a thread per client), ThreadPoolServer (uses threads from a thread-pool to serve clients), or the ForkingServer (forks a child-process per client).

Apart from these servers, that differ only in their CPU attention-span, Agnos also provides the LibraryModeServer, which implements the server-side logic required for Library Mode: it creates a new server socket on a random port and prints its details to stdout, listens to an incoming connections and serves it.

Other than these servers, Agnos usually provides a server main() function, which parses command-line arguments and starts the appropriate server. In Java it’s provided by the class CmdlineServer, in python by agnos.server.server_main(). The command-line arguments accepted by this server are covered here.


The HeteroMap class implements the heteromap type. It’s a heterogeneous map (or dictionary) that maps keys to values. However, unlike regular maps, it also stores the key and value packers for each key-value pair. These packers are used to serialize the map.

Client Side: Client and ClientUtils

The ClientUtils class contains all the shared code required to implement Agnos clients: it contains reference-counting logic, getServiceInfo, processing of incoming responses, instantiating exceptions, waiting for replies, etc.

The BaseClient class is usually very simple, only forwarding requests to ClientUtils. It’s used as a base class for the Client class, that’s generated by the Agnos compiler and contains the service’s entry points.

Source Generator

The source generator, although very and handy, is not part of the “Agnos specification”. An Agnos target can manage perfectly well without one, and if fact, it’s considered a “third-party” convenience utility. However, since this is a developer’s guide, the material is covered here too. The syntax and modus operandi is defined in depth in the specifications, so this part will only describe the structure of the srcgen compiler.

The code can be found at compier/src/agnos_compiler/pysrcgen – this is the python source generator. It comprises of two parts, for for building the AST ( and the other ( for generating the IDL. The generator employs the Visitor_pattern, as is common in this “line of business”.

The syntax parser is responsible for traversing the directory tree, collecting all python files and scanning them for special comments. These comments are then concentrated into a “linear script” forming the IDL. Most of the code is generic, but note that the syntax parser is “tailored” for python’s syntactic constructs, like automatically inferring the name of functions, methods, classes and constants, or automaticlaly inserting docstrings into the IDL. Should you want to port the syntax parser to another language, you will need to keep that in mind.


The format of the “special comments” should remain the same across languages, namely, :: @tag arg1 arg2.... However, the comment element should match the language’s line comment. In python it would be #:: @class foo and in Java, C#, C++, and the like, //:: @class foo.

You should only use line comments, and not block-comments, for srcgen‘s special comments, to simplify processing.

The generator traverses the AST and produces three files:

  • IDL file - the first and foremost purpose of srcgen is to generate a single IDL file from comments spread around a project. This translation is one-to-one with the IDL: #:: @class foo becomes <class foo>...</class> and so on.

  • Service implementation - since srcgen operates on an existing package, it already implements the service, filling in the “glue code”. For example, if you have in your project:

    #:: @func
    #::    @arg a int
    #::    @arg b int
    def foo(a, b):
        return a + b

    The service implementation will include the necessary boilerplate, like so:

    import mypackage
    # ...
    class Handler(object):
        # ...
        def foo(self, a, b):
            return, b)
        # ...
  • History file - a file associating function IDs to fully-qualified function names. This enables the use of older clients with newer servers, as functions retain their original IDs.

The command-line tool, agnosrc-py, is located at compiler/bin. It’s simply a front-end that accepts command-line arguments and invokes the main() function of the generator.